Terran 1

Relativity Space

Author: Chad R - Vintage Space Founder

Updated: 03-24-2023

There was a rocket that was powered by methane, and it created a beautiful blueish-green flame that shot it up into space. The rocket had two stages, and the first stage with nine Aeon engines went really well for over two minutes. However, the second stage engine couldn't ignite properly and the rocket fell into the Atlantic Ocean.


Even though this happened, the company that made the rocket, Relativity, said that the launch was still a success because the Terran 1 made it through a really tough part of the flight called Max-Q. They also said that they will look at the data from the flight and provide updates soon.


This rocket, called the Terran I, was made using a new way of manufacturing called additive manufacturing, which means that a lot of the rocket was 3D-printed. The fact that it made it further than other small rockets made by other companies on their first flights is a good sign, but they still need to check if the manufacturing process was really strong enough for future rockets.


Overall, it was a successful launch even though the rocket didn't make it to space.


photo credit: Ars Technica


photo credit: Ars Technica

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