First Falcon Heavy Launch of 2022 Suffers A Case Of 'Vandenfog'

Author: Chad R - Vintage Space Founder

Updated: 11-9-2022

If you planned on watching the long awaited flight of the Falcon Heavy, you didn't miss much. This launches payload was the USSF-44 secret satellite for the Air Force and Space Force. As hundreds gathered along the Port Canaveral causeway, I unpack my media gear. The skies look questionable, but hopeful. We clearly could see an orange ball rise above. Then it disappeared for a bit. Landing was the same story. In and out of the clouds. However, if you paid $250 to officially watch the launch from 3.2 miles away at the Saturn Center, you are probably beating yourself up right now. Especially someone by the name of Ellie from Ellie In Space.

Ellie teaches a hard lesson about the risks involved in watching your favorite rocket launch from the Kennedy Space Center. The look on the crowds faces convey a reaction of confusion and disappointment.

My Launch Coverage

My alternative location coverage unfortunately fell victim to this, but also other technical problems with the camera. The term 'Vandenfog' comes from the infamous foggy launches that occur every time a launch from the west coast at Vandenburg AFB takes place.


So lets just say this launch was audible only. Hey, not all launches end up being rainbows and chocolate! The realty of being a space enthusiast living by the launch pads must be taken seriously. But do not let that place a wrench in your career for the cosmos!

photo credit to Ellie and NASA

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