Delta Thor - Ariel 1


Operation and Design

Ariel 1 was planned to launch on the Scout rocket, but the rocket fell behind in development. The decision was made to launch the satellite on the more expensive Thor-Delta rocket, although the Americans footed the bill. The satellite weighed 62 kg with a height of 22 inches.

Solar panels generated power which was stored in nickel-cadmium batteries. A 100-minute tape recorder was used for data collection. Launched on a Delta Thor rocket from launch complex 17A at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

The first ever non-US and and non-Russian space craft to launch into orbit. The British National Committee for Space Research was behind this endeavor. Three units were built, one for flight and two for prototyping and a backup.

What does the above game-board have to do with this mission? Well this game was a popular board game among space enthusiasts in 1962. Kids of all ages and even parents played this while their black and white televisions broadcasted similar rocket launches.

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