Atlas V 551

NROL 107 - Silentbarker

Author: Chad R - Vintage Space Founder

Updated: 09-16-2023

Originally planned for liftoff on Saturday, the launch experienced a one-day delay due to an issue discovered during a prelaunch ordnance circuit continuity check in the lead-up to the fueling process.


As of the most recent update from United Launch Alliance (ULA) at 4:05 a.m. EDT (0805 UTC), the countdown process was proceeding smoothly, with all systems remaining 'go' at the Advanced Spaceflight Operations Center and at Space Launch Complex-41.


To accomplish this demanding mission, the payload was scheduled to be launched into a near-geosynchronous orbit using the powerful Atlas V rocket, specifically the Atlas V 551 configuration.


Earlier in the morning, ULA had reported a favorable launch weather forecast, with a 90 percent chance of an on-time liftoff. This prediction was attributed to a light southerly flow that was keeping most diurnal shower and storm activity concentrated over the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic. The launch is scheduled to lift off at 8:47am on September 10th, 2023.


This weather update aligned with the forecast from the 45th Weather Squadron, which issued its latest briefing on Saturday. The only potential limiting factor for launch, according to the briefing, was the presence of cumulus clouds. However, as of Saturday, the 24-hour backup weather forecast indicated an 85 percent chance of favorable weather conditions for liftoff.


To accomplish this demanding mission, the payload was scheduled to be launched into a near-geosynchronous orbit using the powerful Atlas V rocket, specifically the Atlas V 551 configuration.


We were able to capture this glorious morning launch with multiple cameras. Our partners at LP Media was able to upgrade its equipment to deliver the stunning photo on the above (or right on desktop).


Silent Barker, a joint project of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the United States Space Force, has been in development for approximately three years. According to published budget reviews, its primary mission is to provide the capability to search, detect, and track objects from a space-based sensor for timely custody and event detection.




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